When I was 7 years sober, I was facing a divorce after 11 years of marriage and 3 daughters together. It was one of the most painful experiences I have experienced in my past. One day after attending a recovery meeting (group of alcoholics and addicts sharing their experience, strength, and hope with one another to support one another in continuous sobriety) we went out breakfast, a usual get together where we all bonded and continued our meeting. It was always a good time.
That day I shared in the meeting about my upcoming divorce, the pain I was in, etc. It was a heartbreaking time for me, it felt big – almost unbearable. During our breakfast, this wonderful, wise old -timer (person with long term sobriety – I think he had over 20 years sobriety at the time) was sitting next to me at the breakfast table. He was a rancher, a cowboy – and one of the most joyful individuals I would listen to back then. When he shared, he expressed humor while simultaneously combining it with a painful experience. He was a gift to listen to. That day at breakfast he leaned over and simply stated “It just ain’t comfortable anymore”. At the end of the day after much debate, struggle, efforts in making the marriage work; it came down to “It just ain’t comfortable no more”. Did I think my ex-husband had his part – absolutely, but I also knew I had my part, and between the two of us it just wasn’t comfortable anymore.

For you, if there is an ending to a relationship in your life today – it could be as simple as it’s just not comfortable anymore, and it’s time for a new experience; an exciting experience that will give to you in ways you never knew life could give to you.

Enjoy the journey, you are worth it!

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